Good Morning Father Series - 09/12/15


Good Morning Father,

What a beautiful day it is. It is a perfect day to speak to you of your awesomeness and your love towards me. Lord let my thoughts always honor you. I really love you and I want nothing to come between us.

Father even as I type my heart swells with love for you. I appreciate you so much! It is even hard to express. My heart bubbles when I think of all you have done for me. You are always looking out for me and over me. I have done nothing to deserve this. I deserve death, and death over and over again. But for some reason you predestined me to know you. Why do you love me so? Even though the whole world spins by your command, and all creation responds to you; you take the time to speak to me and love on me.

Even now my eyes throb at the effort of comprehending your heart. They flood with gladness. I love you so much. Many people don't understand me Lord, they don't understand why I love you. They don't know why I serve you. But they don't know my past. They don't know the depression and suicide you have taken me from. They don't know the rejection I have faced in my life. I looked all around and there was no one left but you. You showed me love when death was trying to do the same. You over powered death and gave me a reason to live.

My heart turned towards you. I wanted to discover this God that was discovering me. WHY DID YOU LOVE ME SO MUCH? WHY DID YOU CARE? I have no clue, but I am glad you did.

You have transformed my life. Utterly transformed it. Thank you Lord. Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord. It will always be the position of my heart to love you with all of me. With all my might, all my strength, all my mind, all my soul, because you deserve love. I don't know why you would desire love from me, but nevertheless you chose me.

From eternity past your eyes roamed amongst the souls of humanity and somehow mine got your attention. Then you placed me in you before you even decided to form the earth. I am your son! That makes me so happy! Lord, sometimes I wonder if you understand lol :)

God I just want to thank you for choosing me. You boast about me, in the heavens. Its a privilege to you to call me your son. LIKE WHAT!? I don't know why. But I am yours and that makes me happy. Since I have turned to you, you have been the only one that could make me happy. I have never found joy outside of you since. One of my favorite parts of your love, is that it made me just like you. I feel your love flow for and to everyone.

You are no respecter of persons. You love your enemies just as you love your friends. There is no class system in you. You don't scorn anyone. You are not racist, you don't despise people. But you love all men equally and would die for each of them over and over again. This is the heart you have given me, and all of your sons.

Let love reign in us. Let your power be the force to keep us holy in love.

I pray over today. Keep me focused on you that I don't fall. Strengthen me with the spirit of might in the inner man. Give me understanding of the depths of your love today. I wanna see you everywhere today Lord, I will be looking.

Now God I pray for those that have stumbled across this. Bless them. Bless their day. I pray ten fold what you have given me on their lives. I pray that even as they read your love will consume them in the name of Jesus. Speak to them today. Encourage them today. Prove yourself today.

I am glad because you love them just as you love me.

So with all that said Father I just wanted to say
... Good Morning

your own. 

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