Good Morning Father Series - 11/12/15


Good Morning Father,

"He promised never to leave or forsake me."

What a faithful God you are,

Once again I am gifted to see a beautiful morning. This past week has changed my life. I have learnt that you are living my life in me. You love me that much, to make me that close with you. Not only am I one with you but you are one with me. We live this same life together, and you are faithful to the Father. Never grieving, or complaining, or miserable - you are just always peaceful. Your character is to be envied. You are beautiful.

Once again I want you to know that I greatly appreciate you. I remember when I used to wake up deprssed for no reason. I was just fighting against sin in my heart, a sin I didn't even know I committed. I would just wake up with this low feeling, and I would wonder where I failed you. But you taught me freedom! I realized that in it my conscience did not condemn me, therefore I know for sure I did not sin. I was just creating it all with my mind. Fear of sin had just placed me in a disposition causing me to think that I had already sinned against you. I never truly believed that I could be perfect, even though I preached it day and night. But you rescued me! Thank you Lord! I love you so much

Today I desire that you be glorified above all else. Be glorified in me. Bless your own name through me. My love for you stretches beyond the sky. I have nooo idea why you even considered to love me, but you did. What a privilege it is to be loved by you.

Let me honour you in my words today, in my life today. Talk with me, laugh with me, dance with me, sit with me... love on me. Today I desire to see your love in and through me, just because I can. You love me so much. Thank you that I can see you in my life.

Now God touch everyone that has stumbled across this blog. God you know I don't share these, but you know why you have them read them. If they have reached this far, bless them with a mighty blessing. Reveal the hidden mysteries of your love to them. Give them the righteous desires of their hearts according to your will. I love them, and you do too.

I watch for you today.
And I love you with all my heart.

So with all that said Father I just wanted to say
... Good Morning

your own. 

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